Friday, July 22, 2022

Actually talking about D&D...

So,I am not going to repeat my recent lament about blogging, but I will note that although Epicurus and Talent have been pretty healthy of late, this little geeky blog has been pretty neglected. I don't know if that's because my comics/cartooning pursuits have become a bigger part of my normie life (I have an Instagram, for cryin' out loud), or because D&D and similar geeky pursuits have become more mainstream (viz: this), or what, but let's correct it with something that made my little nerdy heart sing:

So maybe you have to have had more exposure to D&D than just watching Stranger Things, but seeing an owlbear, a  treasure-chest mimic, and a gelatinous cube in a big-budget production (it's even got a Chris!) - well, I am not sure if have been this nerdily excited since the Michael Keaton Batman movie.

Unfortunately, we won't see it for another 14 months, so let's stave off creeping fascism and environmental doom at least until then, okay?